General enquiries
For further information on analytical capability, FIA, ICP-OES and ICP-MS contact:
Ms Nell Peisley
Analytical Chemistry group
GC & IRMS enquiries
Mr Scott McDonald
Research Projects Officer
Analytical instrumentation
- Oxford MQC Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (NMR)
- Lachat Flow Injection Nutrient Analyzer
- Agilent Gas Chromatograph-Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID)
- QP1020 Plus Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer with CTC Analytics PAL
- System autosampler (GC-MS)
- Varian Vista-Pro Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)
- Europa Isotope Ratio Mass Spectometer (IRMS)
- Agilent Liquid Chromatograph - UV-Vis Diode-Array - Fluorescence Detection (HPLC-DAD-FLD)
- Bruker S2 Puma Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF)
- Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
Plant tissue analyses
- Total elements (Al, B, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, N, Na, S, Zn, C, Cl)
- Stable Isotopes 13C and 15N
- Total C and N
- Fatty Acids Methyl Esters
- Oil and water contents of oilseeds
- Amino Acids (fluorescence detection)
Soil analyses (ASPAC method number)
- Stable Isotopes 13C and 15N
- Total Organic Carbon (6B2)
- Total Nitrogen (7A5)
- Ammonium Nitrogen (7C2)
- Nitrate Nitrogen (7C2)
- Exchangeable Calcium (15A1)
- Exchangeable Magnesium (15A1)
- Exchangeable Sodium (15A1)
- Exchangeable Potassium (15A1)
- Exchangeable Aluminium (15G1)
- Soluble Chloride (5A2)
- Colwell Extractable P (9B1 9B2)
- Olsen Extractable P (9C1 9C2)
- Colwell PBI (9I2a9I2b9)
- Colwell Extractable K
- Phosphorus Buffering Index (unadjusted) (9I4a9I4b9I4)
- Extractable Zinc (12A1)
- Extractable Iron (12A1)
- Extractable Copper (12A1)
- Extractable Sulfur (10D1)
- Extractable Boron (12C2)
- Extractable Manganese (12A1)
- Air-Dry Moisture Content (2A1)
- Electrical Conductivity (3A1)
- pH (4A1, 4B2+4B4)
Analytical Chemistry Group sample submission form
Analytical Chemistry Group consumables form